Insufficient Dental Care due to Income Inequality – In USA

In USA, Imbalanced Income Generation is more likely worsening the dental problems in children. It may be due to poor children’s unaffordability for dental expenses, unhealthy lifestyle and more often less nutritious food intake, where essential minerals & vitamins are vital to strengthen an oral health. Hence, underprivileged children are at a higher risk of more deteriorated oral health in their future as compared to wealthy peers in America due to their oral problems being untreated on time. In response, the State will have more distressed adolescent due to unstoppable numbers of children growing with unattended dental disease.

Adults under poverty level are less likely to visit the dentist than those who are at or above the poverty line. It is estimated that around 30 per cent underprivileged elderly are edentulous due to their incapability to afford dental treatments in time. Lack of health or dental insurance or lost insurance at the time retirement is the common problem, which more often abandon most people with untreated dental disorders.

A joint hand of government authorities & corporate agencies such as Children’s Health Insurance Program can be a great deal to revitalize the society physically & mentally more sound!